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Friday, November 18, 2005

Why Other Network Consultants Get the Best Clients

Attention Network Consultant Business owners: If you don't have enough steady, high-paying clients, joining your client list each month, you're missing out BIG time.

The problem for so many network consultants is that they neglect marketing their network consultant business for SOOOO long, that when they finally get around to realizing they need new business clients, they’re scrambling and panicking.

And when you’re scrambling and panicking, you know what’s going to happen right?

Your prospects and customers “smell” desperation and you start making really shortsighted choices that come back to haunt you for years to come.

So why put YOUR Network Consultant Business through the time-wasting, degradation of settling for cheapskates, ingrates, software pirates, time-vampires, cherry pickers, and deadbeats. You deserve better clients… MUCH better clients.

The kinds of small business clients that treat your Network Consultant Business like an extension of their business… the very definition of small business virtual IT.

Discover how thousands of Network Consultants, from 31 countries around the World, get more steady, high-paying consulting clients for their Network Consultants Businesses.

Added by Joshua Feinberg of the Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit (tm)