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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Combining Business Partnerships with Test Marketing

Business partnerships present the perfect opportunity for test marketing that most new computer resellers don’t consider when investigating the benefits of their partnerships.

Business partnerships are at the beginning a great chance to test a product or service before deciding to make it a part of regular offerings. When you hear about a new product, whether that product is an operating system, platform or even if you notice a new niche, business partnerships with early adopting companies will show you opportunities and how valuable they can be.

An Example of Business Partnerships and Test Marketing

For example, you may want to start offering Sales Logics services as part of your product and service line. In order to become a reseller, you will have to invest 80 or 100 hours in training, which in classes will cost you thousands of dollars, as much as $7,500.

You could absorb this cost on your own, or determine whether Sales Logics is a good area for your company by establishing business partnerships with people that are already doing this work. These business partnerships will help you learn new information:

1. The return on investment of the company;

2. The IT issues encountered;

3. The business issues related to this idea;

4. The sales cycle and how long it is;

5. The demand for the product;

6. The kind of clients that are asking for the product.

Business Partnerships: Get Information You Need

Business partnerships give you the information you need in order to decide which new products and service offerings to provide to clients without painful trials and issues of the learning curve. Business partnerships give you a low-risk, low-cost way to do market research.

Added By: Computer Consulting 101