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Sunday, September 09, 2007

IT Consulting: Turn Leads into Prospects

The process of turning computer consulting leads into prospects can be challenging; but there are steps you can take to ensure you do it properly and get the most out of your business.

The first thing you can do to find leads that will be prospects is find an industry niche and then really go after your target market. In order to distinguish yourself from other computer consulting professionals, you need to have a special spin that will really grab attention. There are two other ways to improve the quality of your leads, and the first is size.


One size to pursue with your computer consulting business is the micro small business market. Here you will find businesses with just a few PCs. The mindset of the business owner in this market is what really determines a micro small business, but typically this type of business will have very few employees, PCs and will not be looking for really intensive computer consulting services.


The next step up from micro small businesses in computer consulting is the “sweet spot” where most computer consulting businesses operate to get maximum revenue potential and the best results. This is the 10-50 PC space and consists usually of companies with 90 – 100 employees. This is the sweet spot because it is typically large enough to need sophisticated IT support from IT consulting firms but small enough not to have its own in-house IT staff.

Downtime will be much more expensive for sweet spot companies. You can calculate downtime simply by taking annual revenue and dividing by 250 business days per year and eight hours a day. This will help you convince them of the importance of having a professional IT consulting firm on their side.


When you get to companies that have 50 PCs or more, you start to get to the top of the small business market and the bottom of the medium-sized business market. When you get to this level, you are typically confronted with an in-house IT manager because the cost to these businesses of outsourcing IT needs would be the same or higher than simply hiring a full-time person. This market is viable, but only for deeply specialized work, since all their general work will be done by their in-house staff.


If you want to really distinguish yourself from other IT consulting firms out there, you need to really define the characteristics of your “ideal” client so you can get the best prospects from your leads.

Added By: Computer Consulting Kit