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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

IT Businesses: Spotting Potential Prospect Problems

When working in IT businesses, you need to be mindful of potential prospect problems by looking for early warning signs.

IT Businesses: Do Prospects Respect Your Time?

If you have a meeting with a prospect looking for IT businesses and the prospect makes you sit around for 15 or 20 minutes, you can expect that unless there is an emergency, if you take this person on as a client, the wait time isn’t going to decrease. You can predict that you will show up on time and have to wait – probably every time – and you’ll be unproductive because the prospect is disorganized.

The Value of a Pleasant Disposition

If a prospect is late, really obnoxious, abusive or nasty or if you find out that the owners or managers don’t respect employees, these are clues that this prospect probably won’t work too well with IT businesses either.

If you get an early warning sign during your first meeting, don’t walk out the door. Instead, put it in your notes and think later about whether or not you want to take this person on as a client.

It Goes Both Ways

The initial meeting with a prospect and IT businesses is a two-way interview. You are interviewing the prospect, and the prospect is interviewing you to see if you will work well together. Every prospect needs to know where his/her business is going and how IT can be incorporated.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit