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Sunday, January 27, 2008

IT Marketing and Focusing on Benefits in Your Sales Letter

Regardless of your specialty or niche, you need a sales letter for your IT marketing plan that stresses benefits to clients. While you may have been told previously in your life that business letters need to be short and sweet, this is not always the case.

Use Long Sales Letters for IT Marketing

1. To build urgency.

2. To stir up your pot.

3. To get prospects to take action.

4. To take prospects through the suffering that occurs when they do not do data security right.
5. To help prospects see how great it can be to make their staff more productive.

6. To show prospects how they can benefit and grow their companies 150% to 200% without really adding much more staff.

Address Points of Pain with Prospects

If you are new to writing IT marketing sales letters, you can hire an advertising or marketing consultant or a freelance copywriter to help you. But, regardless of how you approach the letter, you need to understand your prospects’ painful points when it comes to technology in your particular niche.

Provide a Free Offer

In order to get demand up with IT marketing, you may have to send out a letter with your business card that offers a free “bribe” – a free one-hour needs assessment or another service of value to your prospects. Make sure you limit the freebie with a deadline – limit it to the first X number of businesses or put a deadline on it.

If you are considered an IT expert for your niche, your IT marketing letters and calls will be better received. Your expertise will be communicated in the headline and throughout the letter, and you will be offering something completely relevant that most professionals will want.

Your sales letter needs to talk about work you’ve done with other firms like the prospects’ you are addressing (testimonials are important!) and how specifically you can help them. The trends and problems of the industry will mean a lot during this phase of IT marketing.

The goal with your IT marketing sales letter is to move your prospect to the next step, which will most likely be an in-depth IT audit.

Submitted By: Computer Consulting 101 Professional Kit