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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Are IT Certifications Necessary?

A majority of sweet spot small business clients for your business will just be learning about the value of IT certifications. But most don’t know enough about IT certifications to appreciate their value and know why different levels are worth more or less than others.

The Meaning of IT Certifications to Clients

You may offer a staff member to a client that is an MCP or CAN with entry-level IT certifications and then the following week offer a more senior level Cisco certified SE or other professional. But this difference in IT certifications will not mean a lot for clients. They might value IT certifications because they want someone doing work that has passed a test, but they will not want to pay incredibly high hourly billing rates for more senior levels of IT certifications.

Many of your sweet spot small business clients will not know the difference between senior-level IT certifications and basic IT certifications because they will not have highly technical needs. If the client ends up having a very sophisticated IT need, this project can be subcontracted out to specialists.

IT Certifications: The Small Business Technology Curve

Sweet spot small businesses are usually many years behind when it comes to technology, so there is no need for you to keep the skills and IT certifications exactly up-to-date for your employees.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit