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Sunday, October 21, 2007

IT Sales and the First Sales Call

You have to think about the first IT sales call as a lead qualification step. You can’t afford to waste time on clients that may not be serious about hiring you, but you might do just that if you are not careful with how you handle the first IT sales call.

Stop the Game of “20 Questions”

When you get into the initial IT sales call, you will inevitably get hit with a lot of questions. Prospects will start drilling you on what you know and don’t know and trying to get free information out of you.

Eventually, you need to cut off this process to get to the next step. Any more than an hour will give you more than enough issues to discuss with your prospects and tell them what comes next in the IT sales process. When you’re done with the IT sales presentation, move onto suggesting that you, a systems engineer or a technician comes back and spends a couple hours on a site survey.

The Importance of the Site Survey

The site survey is a great next IT sales strep and is a way to inventory problems and analyze them. You and your prospect can decide which steps will come first, third, second and fourth and have a good starting point. Make sure you provide a report as part of this process and document where the prospect stands with security, software licensing, data protection, etc.

The Main Idea about IT Sales

Once you feel the IT sales presentation coming to an end, ask if the prospect would be interested in a site survey and explain how it can help them. This will be your first try at closing the sale and will stop you from wasting hours of time only to find the prospect didn’t necessarily intend to hire you in the first place.

Blogged By: Computer Consulting Kit