A big problem that can happen when computer consultants put together a direct mail postcard campaign as part of their IT marketing plan is a lack of urgency. Without urgency, prospects – even those with a need and interest in hiring you – will have no reason to do so right now. Your card will get filed away indefinitely.
However, if your prospect receives a postcard that says your company is offering a free system analysis to the first 25 people that respond in your greater area, there’s much more of a reason to act on that IT marketing postcard. They might think to themselves that their computers ARE really screwed up and that free system analysis with no obligation is a really great deal. They’ll be more likely to call you NOW.
IT Marketing: You Need to Limit Your Response
If you don’t want to limit the number of people that respond to your IT marketing postcard, limit the date by which they have to respond. Urgency and scarcity are critical to a high response rate. If you want someone to act NOW, you need to give them a clear deadline by which to respond.
The Experts Know Best
If you need help designing your IT marketing postcards, talk to an expert. This will be a copywriter or someone retired from working with direct response vehicles for a large company. If you ask for advice from just a general business owner, you’re not going to get very far. You need someone that comes from a mail order background, direct mail background or that does a lot of online advertising, has worked for an advertising agency or has dealt in direct selling with measured response.
The Key to IT Marketing
Remember – your direct mail postcard campaign is about creating a sense of urgency, scarcity, deadlines and having compelling headlines and a handle on a source of pain. Motivate your potential clients to act NOW or NEVER!
Added By: Joshua Feinberg